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The Ninth Holy Night (1st – 2nd January) & The Tenth Holy Night (2nd – 3rd January)

The Ninth Holy Night (1st – 2nd January) corresponds to the month of September, the worldview we call Materialism, and the zodiac sign of Cancer.

It relates to the Spirits of Harmony, or the Cherubim. The harmonious transition from Saturn to the Sun, and so on, like a whirlpool with Pralaya at its center, has its microcosmic correspondence, for instance, in plants. In autumn these plants are in seed form; in winter they are in Pralaya; in spring they manifest visibly. The transition from the Atlantean to the post-Atlantean era is also under the sign of Cancer. It corresponds to Jesus' entry into Jerusalem, which creates an entirely new whirlpool. It can be viewed as evolution transitioning from one cycle to another. During the old Solar period, the Cherubim created the Zodiac. In other words, the Cherubim created a protective envelope around the Sun, encompassing the entire present-day Zodiac. The ribcage mirrors the great macrocosmic whole, with the heart (the Sun) enclosed within the chest's envelope, formed of 12 pairs of ribs, reflecting the Zodiac. All of this was created with the special participation of the Cancer Hierarchy.

For those whose inner structure doesn't allow them to find their way to the spirit we can't demonstrate the existence of the spirit to them. They focus on the things that give them the most tangible impression, remaining fixated on purely material matters. Such a person is a materialist, and their worldview is materialism.

Real-life example:

During one of our sessions Andreea told me she really liked a man and wanted a serious relationship with him. I was pleased to hear this and asked if she wanted to work on this aspect of her life. We then identified essential values for her and those she would like to find in her partner. We discovered a significant detail: her partner denied the existence of the spirit, believing everything to be coarse matter. While one's worldview might seem irrelevant, when contemplating starting a family, these differences can be critical. For instance, Andreea wanted to spend the period between Christmas and Epiphany spiritually, but he wanted to spend it in Dubai. This posed a dilemma: whether to accept such differences or not. That day we uncovered the worldview we call Materialism.

The Tenth Holy Night (2nd – 3rd January) corresponds to the month of October, the worldview we call Mathematicism, and the zodiac sign of Gemini

It is linked to the Seraphim hierarchy, or the spirits of love for all.

A terrestrial replica of the macrocosmic love impulse is the Greek myth of the twins Castor and Pollux. Castor is the mortal son of Leda and King Tyndareos, while Pollux, the immortal son, is fathered by Zeus. Castor's death leads Pollux to give up his immortality to resurrect his brother, and Zeus honors their fraternal love by placing them in the sky as the Gemini constellation. The true value of this myth can be understood considering the Greeks' view on death and immortality. The Christian era introduces a shift: the Christ impulse focuses on pure spiritual Christic love, transcending blood ties. Whereas pre-Christian times prized immortality, Christianity treasures the human soul, our "I", the bearer of individual immortality. This love culminates in the Christ saying, "Not I, but Christ in me." From the Seraphim sphere also arise impulses for social life, driving union through mutual love and interest.

Between materialism and idealism lies a transition. Absolute vulgar materialism, very evident in our era, could evolve to a Kantian dictum – though Kant himself did not – suggesting that true science exists only where there's mathematics. This viewpoint leads to seeing the universe as a calculable machine, made up of material atoms interacting. For example one could compute the vibrations of blue or red colors. The materialist would argue that only mathematical formulas can capture reality, a perspective termed "mathematicism."

Real-life example:

Andreea is passionate about healthy eating and has attended some prestigious schools in the field. Today she even offers nutritional consultations. While advising me on diet she once discussed calories, emphasizing the difference between substantial and "empty" calories – those that contribute to weight gain without providing nutritional value.

Andreea was emphasizing that counting calories wasn't the only thing that mattered when it came to eating healthily, but also understanding the nutritional value of what we consume.

"I often see people get trapped in this 'mathematical' approach to eating," she told me, "They become so obsessed with numbers that they lose sight of the essence of nutrition. Just like in the concept of 'Matematism' where people see only formulas and miss out on the bigger picture. It is the same with nutrition – if you focus only on calorie counts you might miss out on the quality and benefits of the food."

It was an interesting insight, and it made me realize how easy it is to become fixated on quantifiable metrics in many aspects of life, from the way we approach our diets to our worldviews. Just as one can become ensnared in materialism, limiting their understanding of the world to what can be tangibly measured, one can also fall into the trap of 'Matematism', where abstract formulas become the sole focus, disregarding the nuanced complexities of life and existence.

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