People tend to shift the blame for their personal issues onto external factors rather than accepting their own truths. This avoidance leads to a state of "not being" as described
by Shakespeare.
"To be or not to be, that is the question" is a quote from Shakespeare that was not fully comprehended by the world. People tend to shift the blame for their personal issues onto external factors rather than accepting their own truths. This avoidance leads to a state of "not being" as described by Shakespeare. However, when one chooses to "be," they start to understand their own role as both the cause and effect, the leader and the follower, and the source and reflection. By taking responsibility, they become their own keeper and can finally grasp the true meaning of life, realizing that all events, circumstances, and people in their lives are linked to themselves.
The reason many people fail to reach this perspective is that they are trapped in dualistic thinking. Their focus on problems hinders their growth and keeps them in a state of oppression. They constantly switch between positive and negative identifications, blaming external factors such as childhood, religion, parents, sex, teachers, job, friends, and society for the limitations they face and the inner conflicts they experience. However, this kind of thinking only creates discordant thoughts that prevent them from fulfilling their creative potential.
Humanity's quest for truth often is overlooked.
After meditating for twenty-nine days under the tree of knowledge, Buddha realized that the key to life is simply "to be." By focusing on the future or the past, one loses touch with the present moment. The present moment is right now, while you are reading this sentence. The present moment is the only reality, and the more you dwell on past mistakes or future possibilities, the less connected you are to the present moment.
Birds of a feather flock together!
Collaborating with a select group of Olympic athletes and their coaches provides me with a deep understanding of their challenges, as I have experienced top-level sports firsthand.
I enjoy collaborating with top athletes due to their high-achiever mindset, openness to growth, and the significant impact they make on the world. However, during their competitive careers, these athletes become consumed by their training and become detached from society. Once they retire, they often face challenges in finding a harmonious balance in their lives.
My role is to assist athletes in seeing the world from a different perspective, leading to organic motivation and a shift from viewing training as a chore to a love for the process and this will lead to outstanding sporting results. Once they retire from their athletic careers, I support them in harnessing their unique traits such as their high-achiever mindset, to reinvent themselves and achieve a well-balanced life.
During a session with an Olympic athlete, I found that he was in a state of "not being". He was constantly blaming external factors such as food, sleep, lack of peak performance, weather, etc. for his struggles. However, the key to success is embracing the possibility of failure and using it to grow. Unfortunately, the athlete was unable to grow because his coach had a negative, victim mentality stemming from his own athletic career. To help the athlete, I realized I needed to tackle the root of the issue and address the coach's perspective.
People often look for validation of the morality of their beliefs and actions.
It's easier to be passive and let external forces dictate one's path in life while blaming them for any obstacles, rather than taking responsibility and becoming the best version of oneself.
The way we express the world influences our view of it, which then dictates our actions and the results they bring. Thus, a mentality of victimhood results in unfavorable outcomes.
However, by embracing their own existence and assuming control, individuals become the origin of their own actions and the results they generate. They become the keeper of their own lives, recognizing that every experience, condition, and relationship they encounter is linked to himself or herself.